The Things You Can't Change

Sometimes, houses which appear to be very similar in design and layout can be sold for quite different prices and time frames. This is often difficult for vendors who think “our house is just as good and we haven’t even had an offer”. Many of the differences between properties are hard to pinpoint and in many cases are not as simple as one might believe.
There are several factors that contribute to a home’s appeal that aren’t always immediately quantifiable. For example, which direction does your home face? Some buyers specifically make effort to find a north facing home. A similar home which is facing south will therefore not be on that buyer’s list even though it may have very similar features to the North-facing home.
A house with a user-friendly layout with a well-thought out design in Campbelltown is considered by many to be more desirable than one which isn’t as practical. Houses where everything is harmonious make prospective purchasers or any other visitors say ‘Wow’ as the serendipitous arrangement of light, space and other intangibles work their magic.
The kind of appeal that makes buyers go “wow” can also come simply from regular maintenance and attention to detail in the presentation of the property. A house that looks loved and cared for is shown to its best advantage, yet it may be identical in most other respects to a less popular property in the neighbourhood.
The most intangible but profound impact is often a function of the original design concept of the house and once it is built it cannot be altered. Since is not uncommon for home owners to “save” money at the planning stage of building or extensions, they often achieve the measurable features they were after but not the elusive ‘wow’ factor. Buyers often prefer a house in poorer condition with good orientation and natural light for example than a renovated one without these features. After all, kitchens can be replaced but the house cannot be made to face another way.
Many people add on, or make minor changes to their property as the need arises without taking a holistic view. They think in terms of immediate solutions to particular problems (need large fourth bedroom with ensuite to become master bedroom) rather than conceptualising the impact of the house as a whole (small living area and kitchen and large main bedroom means scale of property is out of whack). Such a house is likely to lack the aesthetic pull of more cohesive designs even though the number of features looks the same when listed.
In the end, the things you can’t change about a property are often the least obvious and as you cannot change them, it is best to focus effort on other issues such as maintenance and repairs.